|Pictures and work by Silvija Gec |
In appreciation of those who do bath photography, and do it well.
At some point, your favourite photographer will probably post a picture of a model in a bath. It’s just inevitable. It’s an essential addition to most fashion photographers’ portfolios. Silvija Gec is one of those who does this type of photography a lot, and does it very well. We caught up with her to find out more.
1. How did it all start? What made you fall in love with photography?
My passion for photography started quite a while ago, when I took my friend’s camera along with me to the city. Being a 14yr old, exploring around my little hometown and capturing what I saw was incredible. I think I’ll never forget that day and the outcome of my first snaps of people in the streets. Love at first sight, ha!
2. What is it about photographing people in a bath you particularly like?
I really like taking portraits in the bath, because it’s challenging. Not much space, pretty much similar angles all the time and less light, but that’s what makes it interesting every single time I shoot in baths. Also I have a very special feeling and feel a deep connection to the water. I wish one day I can bring out a big photo series or book with people photographed in the ocean.
3. Apart from the dangers of accidentally dropping your camera in a bath, any other challenges to this type of photography?
I think light is poor most of the time, but that’s what i actually like. I don’t think there are any other challenges.
4. How do you find your models for this series?
I had loads of girls asking to be shot in a bath, so I made my selection out of those and I had few girls who’d inspired me so contacted them and shot them. To be honest I wanted to have all type of girls from all over the world because I wanted to show how beautiful and different every woman is.
5. I assume it’s usually warm water? I would imagine you’d have to be quick before the model starts freezing?
Yeah, so this is the tricky part about warm baths, a photoshoot in a bath takes 30 to 45mins, so we have to add more hot water most times.
6. How many models have you photographed for this series do you think?
I think I have portraits of nearly 40 woman in a bath so far, the majority of which were shot in my own bath.
7. What’s next for Silvi?
So my bath series has been made into a book, and that’s my biggest personal project so far. I’ve got a few more Ideas for other books and I want to bring them to life. But ‘Made In Bath’ book is coming out first. I’ll be bringing many other books to print for later this year too.
To see more of Silvi’s work follow her here
Impressive read and vibrant images
Thank you Cath.